Public School Ministry
The Lord has opened the door for the church to have services in two public schools in the area! We are seeing much fruit and the makings of true revival taking place in one of these schools. At the moment, 35 young people have trusted Christ through this ministry! Many of these children and their families have followed the Lord in Baptism and are now attending the church Faithfully.
Many in the church serve in this ministry of sharing God’s Word and the life changing POWER of the Gospel. We know there is nothing too hard for God, as we try to reach these children and their families. It is our sincere desire to have compassion and make a difference in the community.
Visitation / Street preaching / Outreach
Romans 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
On certain Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights we obey God’s commandments and reach out to those that are lost to show them God’s love and their need of salvation as well as minister to our brothers and sisters in Christ that are in need. We are currently in prayer about many other upcoming outreaches that are planned at the Church in the near future.
Retirement Home Ministry
Twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, we visit those at the retirement home to be a blessing to them and their families. We share the gospel, pray, and minister.
Youth on Fire
My name is David Kalnbach and I’m a husband to a wonderful wife Noelle and a father of two. I was born again on January 27, 2016 at a camp meeting down in Alvarado, TX at the age of 33 then felt the Lord calling me to preach on Oct 2, 2019 and I surrendered three days later. My family and I have been members of Pleasant View for a couple years and it has been a place of great joy and encouragement in our lives. Not too long ago the Lord burden my and my wife’s hearts about the youth of today and thru prayer and His Word the Lord gave us peace about working with the youth. The goal the Lord has given us is to help our youth as they navigate this world and all the issues they face in these times. Our youth of today have a lot of peer pressure from the world such as drugs, sex before marriage, drinking and just dealing with the constant immorality that they face daily in their lives. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” We want to help them not just know these words but to live them. Also it says in Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We are trying to get these young people rooted and grounded in the Word of God so when they get out into the world they will be strong in their faith and know what the Word of God says and means on the issues they face because temptation and trouble will come. This next generation is the future of the church and they are the church of today and it is our job to prepare, encourage and teach them in the ways of our Lord. We have youth events once a month we do to build their friendships inside the church and help them grow closer together as well as just have fun together because that is also important. Then twice a month we do our Youth on Fire Sunday night meetings during the evening service. As a servant of the Lord, a preacher of the Word and a father I would encourage you to get your children into a good KJV church and get them involved and to come and join us at Pleasant View Baptist.
Youth Director Bro. David Kalnbach
1 Timothy 4:12 – Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
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Bus Ministry Outreach Program
All children will be fed breakfast when they arrive at church. Sunday School will start with a lesson straight from the Bible for each age group. When each class has finished with their lesson from the Word of God, we bring ALL the children together from each class to sing songs accompanied with a piano. After Sunday School, ALL children and teenagers will go to the Sanctuary for Old Fashioned Singing and Preaching from the Word of God! All the children that want to participate in singing the songs that they have learned and practiced in Sunday School will have the opportunity to sing in the choir during our worship service. It is our desire to teach these children that Jesus is ALIVE and show them how to worship the ONE TRUE and Living God! Please pray for us as we seek to reach these children with the life changing power of the Gospel. We know that it is Jesus Christ and HIS power that will change and impact their lives forever!
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Veteran Outreach
Our Veterans ministry is here for our veterans and their families. A place of fellowship and support. We are currently in prayer and seeking the Lord’s direction on some good men or women of God to lead and direct this ministry.