*We believe in the Holy Scriptures (KJV 1611)
a. 2 Tim. 3:16-Scripture is God-breathed; and what we need to obey God.
b. 2 Pet. 1:19-21-The Holy Ghost superintended over human authors.
c. John 17:17-The Word of God (The KJV 1611) is truth, perfect, inerrant, infallible.

*We believe in the Person of God
a. Ps. 8:18-God is self-revealing and supreme.
b. Ps. 90:2-God is creator and eternal.
c. Matt. 28:19-God is Tri-unity.
d. 1 John 5:7
*We believe in the Person of Christ

a. John 1:1-Christ is God.
b. 1 Pet. 2:22-Christ was sinless.
c. 1 Pet. 3:18-He died a vicarious death.
d. Matt. 28:6-He rose from the dead.
e. Acts 1:11-He bodily ascended.
f. 1 Thess. 4:16-He will come before the tribulation for the rapture.
g. Rev. 19:11-He will come premillennially to set up His kingdom on earth.

*We believe in the Person of the Holy Spirit
a. Acts 5:3-4- He is God.
b. Heb. 9:24-He is eternal.
c. Gen. 1:2-Active in creation.
d. John 3:6-Essential to the new birth.
e. Eph. 4:30-“Seals” the believer.

*We believe in the Blood of Christ
a. Matt. 26:28-Sign of the new covenant and that which allows for forgiveness.
b. Rom. 5:9-Justified by the blood.
c. Heb. 9:14-Sanctified through the blood.
d. 1 Pet. 1:18-19-Sinless blood, bought by the blood.

*We believe in the Virgin Birth of Christ
a. Gen. 3:15-The seed of a woman.
b. Isaiah 7:14-Born of a virgin.
c. Luke 1:35-Supernatural conception.
d. Gal. 4:4-God’s Son, made of a woman.
*We believe in the Devil or Satan

a. Eze. 28:12-19-Cherub cast out because of iniquity.
b. Isa. 14:12-14-Rebellious and prideful.
c. Rev. 12:4-1/3 of angels will rebell with him.
d. Rev. 12:10-Accuser of the brethren.
e. Rev. 20:10-His doom is secure.
*We believe in the Fall of Man

a. Rev. 1:27-Man was made in the image of God.
b. 1 Cor. 15:22-In Adam (natural) all die.
c. Rom. 5:12-Men are sinners by nature and choice. Hell is the sinners doom.

*We believe in the Grace of God in Salvation
a. Isa. 64:6-We have no hope but God.
b. Titus 3:5-Mercy by Grace.
c. Eph. 2:8-9-Salvation is only by Grace. Works can NOT add to Salvation.

*We believe in Justification
a. Rom. 5:9-Justified by the shed blood.
b. Rom 5:1-Justified by faith.
c. 1 Pet. 3:18-Justified on the basis of His just-ness. 

*We believe in the Security of the Believer
a. 1 Pet. 1:3-5-We are kept by the power of God.
b. 1 Cor. 6:19-20-We are God’s possession.
c. John 6:37-Jesus Christ will not leave us or forsake us.

*We believe in the Indegenous Church
a. Eph. 2:20-Foundation laid by the apostles and prophets, Christ being the head.
b. Matt. 28:18-20-A church is headed, empowered, commissioned, and authorized to fulfill the purpose HE defines. It consists of scriptural baptized believers, united in doctrine, gathered to fulfill His purpose.

*We believe in Baptism
a. Acts 2:41-42-The proper authority is the local church; the proper purpose is identification with doctrinal beliefs.
b. Acts 8:36-38-The proper candidate is a born again believer and the proper mode is immersion.

*We believe in the Lord’s Supper
a. Luke 22:19-Proper subject is a local church member, the proper administrator is the pastor and the proper purpose is remembrance of Christ’s atoning death.
b. Matt. 26:26-28-The proper elements are unleavened bread and unfermented wine (grape juice).
c. 1 Cor. 11:27-34-It is a local church ordinance.

*We believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture
a. 1 Thes. 1:10-Saints are delivered from the wrath to come.
b. 1 Thes. 4:13-18-Paul expected a pre-tribulation catching away.

* We believe in the Pre-Millennial Return of Christ
a. Luke 17:26-27-Christ returned to an unconverted world.
b. Acts 1:6-The early church believed the King would come and then He would set up a literal kingdom.

*We believe in a Literal Heaven for Believers
a. 1 Kings 8:30-Heaven is the dwelling place of God.
b. John 14:2-A place is prepared for born again believers at the dwelling place of the Father.

*We believe in a Literal Hell for the Lost
a. Luke 16:23-The unsaved go to hell upon death, and hell is a place of torment.
b. Rev. 20:14-15-All who reject Christ will be cast into the lake of fire forever.

*We believer in Biblical Separation
a. 2 Cor. 6:14-18-Seperation from ungodly people and ungodly practices.
b. 1 Tim. 6:5-Seperation from groups or individuals teaching unsound doctrine.

*We believe in the Great Commission
a. Acts 1:8-We believe that the Great Commission is given specifically to the local church, they have the spiritual authority.
b. Acts 5:42-The local church is to be active in reaching out physically and verbally to the lost world.
c. Acts 13:2-Those sent out of the local church as missionaries are to be called of God to the work they must do.
d. Matt. 28:18-20-The great Commission consists of winning the lost to Jesus Christ, baptizing them, and grounding them in fundamental doctrine.